Who do Maine Democrats think they’re fooling?
Ethan and Phil argue about whether recent Democrat-initiated ads attacking five Republicans were warranted.
Ethan and Phil argue about whether recent Democrat-initiated ads attacking five Republicans were warranted.
Post from Ethan Strimling I had a terrific dream last night. I dreamed I saw a Democratic Party ad that strongly supported core Democratic values and principles. The ad highlighted values of economic fairness, equal opportunity, and public solutions to the problems facing middle and low income families. It didn’t run away from supporting minimum […]
Since Aug. 16 when we posted our blog showing that Angus King’s numbers had slipped by 10 points since he failed to respond to a negative ad put out by the US Chamber of Commerce, the King campaign has been doing all they can to discredit our analysis. They have been attacking on facebook, calling our […]
Phil: It turns out my brother from another mother ran into none other than Karl Rove himself last week. Ethan sent me the below photo and proudly posted it to his facebook page saying “On my way to LA to visit my mother and who do I run into at Chicago O’Hare? Darth Vadar himself, aka Karl Rove!!! I […]
Ethan Strimling and Phil Harriman discuss the Ron Paul v. Mitt Romney GOP convention fight.
Recently, the two of us were made privy to polling done by a national D.C. consulting firm called Moore Consulting. This is a firm that polls for many national groups, congressional candidates and governors and has done a lot of polling in Maine, including for U.S. Sen. Susan Collins. They focus primarily on Republican candidates and […]
Ethan Strimling and Phil Harriman argue that Charlie Summers, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, needs U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe’s support to do well in the election, and failing to endorse her earlier will do him no favors.
Last week Strimling and Harriman posted a blog that has genereated staewide attention thanks to the Summers’ campaign. On WCSH/WLBZ they discuss Angus King being for negative ads before he was against them. But have no fear, they also take Charlie to task for his not repairing his blunder with Olympia and Dill for holding a press conference […]
This summer, Ethan and Phil are doing a series on the fundamentals of politics in Maine. Each week they will take a subject and discuss its particulars to give you a better understanding of how the system works. This week they discuss what it takes to run for office. Let them know if you have […]
Ethan Strimling and Phil Harriman debate the role of the government in determining individual freedom.
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